Donnerstag, 16. November 2017

Shooting Back !

Ab sofort in Buchläden in Hamburg:  
Buchhandlung im Schanzenviertel, Osterstrasse , Cohen + Dobernigg , St.Pauli Archiv, Schwarzmarkt , Schanzenblitz, Buchhandlung Hamm. für 4.- käuflich zu erwerben.

Beobachtung durch den Verfassungsschutz - Deutschlandfunk Kultur
vor 7 Tagen - Mit ihren Fotos von Polizeieinsätzen wie dem
Castortransport ist Marily Stroux in Zeitungen, Ausstellungen – und in
einer Akte des Verfassungsschutzes gelandet. Jetzt antwortet die
Fotojournalistin mit dem Bildband "Shooting Back" auf die jahrelange

Radio Corax Shooting Back. Eine fotografische Antwort auf 28 Jahre ...
vor 20 Stunden - Shooting Back. Eine fotografische Antwort auf 28 Jahre
Bespitzelung. Die Hamburger Fotojournalistin und taz-Fotografin Marily
Stroux wurde über Jahrzehnte vom Verfassungsschutz überwacht. Das hat
das Landesamt für Verfassungsschutz in Hamburg auf Anfrage eingeräumt.
Aufgrund ihrer ...

Sonntag, 12. November 2017

Announcement by the initiative of solidarity to the 14 refugee hunger strikers for family reunification

Refugee Accommodation and Solidarity Space City Plaza hat Hunger Strike:
"Reunite us with our families now"

The 7 women and 7 men are on their twelfth day of hunger strike on
Syntagma, demanding that which should be obvious. Their demands for
reunification with their families in Germany have been accepted by the
Greek and German authorities. Yet while the law requires that
reunification take place within six months of the reunification
application being accepted, this limit has been exceeds, due to the
clandestine deal between Greece and Germany - it is therefore unknown
when refugees will travel.
The authorities of both countries continue the mockery.

• The German government continues to break the law with a view to
restricting the rights of refugees. Due to the pressure created by the
hunger strike, German officials were forced to clarify their position on
family reunification, but these clarifications contradict the truth,
demonstrating an absolute lack of respect for the people putting their
bodies on the line to demand the obvious, and for the hundreds of others
waiting to meet their loved ones.

• The excuses of the German side were that bureaucratic and
administrative issues, mainly on the Greek side, delay the process, as
do tourist seasons and related limited ticket availability. They dodge
the question of whether the German side accepts that charter flights are
needed, as is the case with relocation programs.

• Moreover, on Wednesday 8 November, the German embassy in Greece
forbade women hunger strikers from taking part in the meeting scheduled
for that day, thereby reproducing obscurantist, sexist, and racist
behaviors. They have as yet provided no reason for this insulting and
offensive demand.

• The Greek side, which met with representatives of the hunger strikers,
confines itself to hackneyed promises, which are insensitive to the risk
the hunger strikers’ health is at.

• The Greek side appeared willing to book charter flights only after the
hunger strike began, but confined itself to a general wish only. 5e
question is, why don’t they book the flights straight away? Might this
be because of the framework imposed by the inhuman illegal deal with the
German government?

• The Ministry for Migration Policy, in a show of irrelevance and
mockery, stew that “it is clear that applicants can pay for the trip
with their own means, in order to speed up the reunification process”,
creating misleading impressions. Refugees accepted into the family
reunification program cannot travel within six months, because they are
being given neither a permit nor relevant travel documents by the Greek
authorities, so they are unable to even buy tickets. When, after months
of delays, the Greek Asylum Service does allow them to travel, 5e only
choice they have is to buy flexible tickets from only one travel agency,
at specific prices, currently between 200 and 300 euros per ticket.It is
audacious, to say the least, that the ministry dr sees up this situation
as a concession or facilitation to refugees since Greece, as required by
the European Regulation, must cover travel costs. There are dozens of
refugees whose travel documents have been issued, but who could not pay
for their tickets, and who lost their turn, and have had to join the
queue once more until they are called at a later date.

• Why didn’t the Greek government carry out an international competition
for covering the travel costs for refugees earlier? No matter how many
excuses they put forward, it is clear that the high cost of tickets is
part of the plan to restrict refugee movement. It is clear that the
restrictions on reunification and the other serious issues faced by
refugees remain unsolved not due to administrative, but due to political
In other word, the Greek government is backing the German government,
within the framework of the anti-refugee policies of the European Union,
using administrative decisions signaling inhuman deterrence to future
refugees. It thereby circumvents the Geneva Convention, by pushing
refugees back to “safe third countries”, without examining asylum
requests, and by imprisoning them in terrible refugee camps.

As far as we are concerned, we will remain on the side of the hunger
strikers til the end. We will continue to fight on their side until the
inhuman policy towards refugee families stops, until deportations stop,
until detention centers, wretched camps, and hotspots close, before any
more deaths, until the abolition of the EU-Turkey deal of shame.

Syntagma Square, Athens 12 November 2017

Donnerstag, 9. November 2017

Berlin :Solidarität wegen Familienzusammenführungen

Familien Mitglieder getrennt von einander seit über 19 Monate. Die einen in Griechenland die anderen in Deutschland. Obwohl 6 montae die Frist für Familienzusammenführungen sind.
In Athen sind seit 8 Tage ,14 Syrische menschen im Hungerstrike vor dem Parlament.
Sie wollen endlich sichtbar sein und nicht mehr in Camps unter unmenschliche Bedingungen stillschweigend warten. Manchen haben ihre kleine Kindern seit Monate nicht gesehen andere ihre Väter. Heute haben in Berlin die getrennte Familienmitglieder eine Kundgebung gehalten um auch hier die unendlich dauerndeTrennung sichtbar zu machen und  zu fordern das ihre Familienmitglieder aus Griechenland endlich ausreisen dürfen.

Montag, 6. November 2017


                       Käuflich zu erwerben in Hamburger Buchläden , Osterstrasse, Schulterblatt, Sternstrasse Cohen & Dobernigg Sternstrasse, Hamm, St.Pauli Archiv, Schwarzmarkt...

Beobachtung durch den Verfassungsschutz - Deutschlandfunk Kultur
vor 7 Tagen - Mit ihren Fotos von Polizeieinsätzen wie dem
Castortransport ist Marily Stroux in Zeitungen, Ausstellungen – und in
einer Akte des Verfassungsschutzes gelandet. Jetzt antwortet die
Fotojournalistin mit dem Bildband "Shooting Back" auf die jahrelange

Radio Corax Shooting Back. Eine fotografische Antwort auf 28 Jahre ...
vor 20 Stunden - Shooting Back. Eine fotografische Antwort auf 28 Jahre
Bespitzelung. Die Hamburger Fotojournalistin und taz-Fotografin Marily
Stroux wurde über Jahrzehnte vom Verfassungsschutz überwacht. Das hat
das Landesamt für Verfassungsschutz in Hamburg auf Anfrage eingeräumt.
Aufgrund ihrer ...

Freitag, 8. September 2017


On Tuesday 18th of July  the Police attacked fiercely and without cause, on site at the hellish detention center of Moria on Lesvos island and arrested refugees and migrants of primarily African nationalities who were in the middle of a peaceful protest about the lengthy delays of approval regarding assylum applications they had submitted. They were also protesting about the horrible living conditions at the detention center of Moria. Right after the violent episodes that were actually caused by the Police and after the violent suppression of the protest gathering, the police proceeded with actions of  sweeping arrests, during which members of the African community were vindictively percecuted and the 35 were detained. 
The policemen were mercilessly hitting whoever stood in their way which resulted in serious injuries for the majority of the refugees. The beatings and the torture continued even after the arrests of the 35, which were acted out randomly and without any evidence backing the charges. Sole criterion was the color of the skin of the accused as it was obvious that they were African migrants. The charges were identical for each and every case. In the following days, 30 of the accused had a change to make their statements and were rendered into custody and subsequently transfered to prisons on Chios island and Athens accordingly. As testified by the lawyers on their case, the living conditions in those prisons are horrendous. There is dire need for clothes, food and hygiene items for  all prisoners. 

During the attack of the Police against the Refugees inside the hellish detention center of Moria, far right individuals acted in support and shadowing the Deep State of the after civil war State. The government of Syriza-Anel has full responsibility for the orgy of police violence and the seemless collaboration of Police and the State within State of the Far Right elements.
We stand in solidarity and support to all 35 prisoners and we demand their release.
The government is sending  clear messages to all parties involved that it will apply without any deviation all the clauses agreed upon using any means to achieve this, dealing with direct violence towards refugees, as well as, towards all in solidarity to them and citizens alike, standing in its way.

These facts prove what is really included and implemented by the EU-Turkey deal.

We directly accuse and hold the government responsible for the murderous police tactics. We call upon all workers, the Greek people and the youth in particular to stand in solidarity with every means possible to all 35 refugees, to guard their decocratic rights and freedoms in our country. We make it clear in every way and tone of voice that we are side by side with all refugees and migrants alike and we shall continue to stive against the deterioration of the living conditions for us all.

  • United actions of locals and refugees/migrants!
  • Demand Assignment of cultural mediators to the 4 refugees that haven't had the chance to make their statements.
  • Immediate release of all prisoners.
  • Down with the murderous treatment of all refugees by the EU and the government
  • Protection-Asylum-Rights to all refugees
  • Freedom of Movement to all country destinations of the refugees' choice-disentanglement of refugees from the greek islands
  • Stop deportations
  • We shall support all actions that will be decided upon in the coming months in regard to the 35 migrants!

This call to action is open to be ratified by your support, we call upon all Associations, Legal entities and Organizations, as well as Organized Movements to sign this petition.
Our collective actions, unity  and solidarity, our justified, non-negotiable and unrelenting fight shall be victorious!


Donnerstag, 27. Juli 2017

Hungerstrike in the detention of Moria Hotspot /Lesvos

Text : Arash Hampay  Mytilini, North Aegean, Griechenland
One month of hunger strike. One month, where our mouths and lips have been shut and have refused any kind of food. Why? You probably think that those two people in Moria prison are crazy. You proably think that they are committing suicide. You probably think that they have an important message to deliver. You probably wonder why they are screaming and trying to show their pain and the blood from their wounds. You probably wonder how it is possible to stay alive without food for an entire month. You probably don´t understand any of this because your fixed mindset does not have the capacity to understand their pain and struggling.
Bahrooz and Kozhin do not want to commit suicide. They are not crazy. They are two young kurdish men. They are smart and handsome. They are in love with life. They understand and appreciate the essence of beauty and the joy of life. This is the very reason why they do not kneel and submit to oppression and injustice. They desire life. This is the final hurdle of their struggle for that life. Their very hunger is the key that will open the gates of the prison. A prison in which they have been forced into.
30 days have passed. I do not approve of the response from this superficial and false UN so far. The Greek police and the Greek state insist on upholding their reputation as being brutal and merciless towards vulnerable and suffering refugees. 30 days have passed. It has been 30 days of desperate calls from two desperate young men. Two desperate young men have been begging the people, the media channels, the human rights organisations, and everyone else for help.
Are you all deaf or are you just pretending to be? 
Once again I went to Moria today to give sugar and salt to the refugees on hunger strike. Once again, despite my institence, the police prevented me from doing so. One month of hunger strike. They need sugar, salt, and juice. Their lives are in danger. The Police in Moria told me that I was only permitted to give them cigarettes. The Police did not even allow me to see them from a distance. That wonderful doctor and I were sent home utterly disappointed. That lovely doctor who tends to us every day, whenever necessary.
It is nearly impossible to find someone with a strong conscience in this so-called civilised country. Someone who would go to the gate of Moria and dedicate two hours of their time fighting for the freedom of those two young men who have come here to seek refuge? If these people actually exist then I urge them to go to Moria and show that they disagree with the Greek asylum policies. I urge them to show that they are against the imprisonment of refugees. I urge them to call for the release of the imprisoned people on hunger strike. I urge them to do this because the hope these people have for their release is ultimately waning.
یک ماه
یک ماه اعتصاب غذا و دوختن لبها و دهان برای خوردن! برای چه؟ شاید که در باورتان این دونفر دیوانه باشند شاید که قصد خودکشی دارند و یا شایدهم یه حرف جدی دارند و شاید که دردشان گرفته و اینطور آه و ناله میکنند اینطور فریاد میزنند و درد زخمشان را اینطور میخواهند نمایان کنند نمیدانم اصلا واقعا مگر میشود یک ماه چیزی نخورد؟ در باورتان میگنجد که دوجوان در زندانتان یک ماه لب به غذانزده باشند و همچنان زنده بمانند؟ میدانم که نمیگنجد چون مغز فندقی شما کشش درک درد اینها را ندارد.
ارش و حسین نه دیوانه اند و نه قصد خودکشی دارند، ارش و حسین دوجوان کورد هستند که بسیار باهوش و البته عاشق زندگی شان هستند باهوش هستند چون دریافته اند مسیر درست زندگی را دریافته اند که زندگی باتمام زیبایی هایش ارزش زانو زدن در برابر ظلم و بی عدالتی را ندارد و قصد خودکشی ندارند و این روش اعتراضشان البته اخرین روش اعتراضشان هست برای باز شدن درهای زندانی که بر انها تحمیل شده!
سی روز شد و سازمان دروغین و نمادین ملل نمره مردودی میگیره و پلیس و دولت یونان اصرار بر فاش کردن هویت خود دارد هویتی خشمگین و بی رحم با مهاجرین اسیب دیده! سی روز شد که دو جوان با تمام وجودشان فریاد ازادی و طلب کمک کردند از مردم و روزنامه نگارها و نهادهای حقوق بشری و همگی یا کَر بودند و یا خود را به کَری زدند! امروز بازهم رفتم زندان موریا تا نمک و شکر به اعتصاب کننده ها بدم ولی بازهم پلیس ممانعت کرد باوجود انکه بااصرار بهشون گفتم این دو جوان یک ماهه که در اعتصاب هستند و نیاز مبرم دارند به نمک و شکر و ابمیوه و جانشان در خطر هست ولی پلیس موریا با خشم خاص خودش گفت که فقط میتونی سیگار بهشون بدی و نه میتوننی ببینیشون حتی از دور و نه میتونی چیزی بهشون بدی و در نتیجه من و اون دکتر عزیزی که هرروز حامی ما و نگران حال ماهست ناامید برگشتیم. به راستی در این شهر و در این کشور چندملیونی باتمدن چندملیونی صد نفر انسان باوجدان پیدانمیشه که فقط چند ساعت وقت بزاره و بره جلو موریا برای ازادی دوجوانی که بهشون پناه اوردند؟ حتی اگر امیدی هم به ازادی انها نداشته باشند حداقل اعتراض و خواست خودشان را نشان دهند و نشان بدن که مردم یونان موافق رفتار ناعادلانه و ظالمانه دولت وپلیسشان با مردم بی پناه نیستند!

Montag, 3. Juli 2017

Arrivati Park - Montag

Gestern Aufbau im ARRIVATI Park beim Grünenjäger. Kunst und Politik. Abends Musik. Mittags Polzeibeusch der versuchte auch visuell, die Kunst-Politik einzuschätzen.
Keine sorge, keiner schläft , alle bleiben wach durch die tage. 

Kommt heute im Arrivati Park. 12 ihr Pressekonferenz zu URBAN Cityzenship Card. Auf deutsch: 
danach Spiel:

                          SOLIDARISCHE STÄDTE! 

gleiche rechte für alle!

Samstag, 24. Juni 2017

24.6.17 Hamburg We are Here demo

Social Rights for all instead of G20! 


                                     copyright marily stroux

Sonntag, 18. Juni 2017

We are here! Social rights for all – instead of G20!

On 24th June, we – refugees, migrants and their networks – want to demonstrate together with you for our demands and aims. Because:
We won’t get used to what is happening right before our eyes and what is declared as normal: The
situation is not getting better. Suffering and death are no exceptions anymore. They shape the daily
lives of all those who still do not belong to this country and of those who still seek to come here.
People are being insulted, spat on and beaten. The solidarity of hundreds of thousands is mistreated
and stamped on. We are looked at with a lot of suspicion. They build fences to prevent us from
entering. They deport us to make us disappear. But we are here. We will stay. We have our hopes.
We have our dreams. We live. Welcome united.

The memory is fresher than ever
We will not give up. We remember the summer of 2015. Hundreds of thousands opened Europe’s
borders. No one could stop them because they didn’t let anyone stop them. They just began to walk.
They started moving in order to arrive somewhere. From the train station in Budapest to the Austrian
border. Freedom of movement did not remain a demand anymore. The movement took its freedom.
For the right to have rights, for the right to presence, to protection, to help and to a future. The
“march of hope” remains an unforgettable event in the long history of struggles for the right to
escape and migrate.
Still today, we are many. We are still here, and maybe our number even grew. Day in day out, we
seek to resist the injustice of the current order. The small and the large protests have become part of
our lives. The hopes of 2015 have not yet been suffocated. These hopes have found expression in the
acts of solidarity of thousands of people in Germany and Europe. We continue to fight for the
refugees’ and migrants’ right to presence, and also for the right to our presence. We provide
everyday support. We protest state persecution and deportation. We rise up against the new rightwing populism and old forms of fascism. We are here and we stand with those who came. We are the ones who arrived. Welcome united!

From solidarity to politics!
Existing migration policies have to change - this is non-negotiable. This is and will remain the central
position from which we conduct our political work. And this goes out to all politicians:

- For the right to leave and to come: Stop the dying!
The dying in the Mediterranean Sea has to stop. Now. Immediately. There’s nothing to
discuss about that. We refuse to accept the normalization of death and suffering at this
murderous border: Who drowns is being killed! The deaths of thousands could end already
tomorrow if people could board a plane or a ferry to Europe. But instead the oppressors
persecute those who help and support. We demand a reversal of Europe’s migration
policies! For safe passages, freedom of movement and a welcoming Europe!

- For the right to stay: Stop the fear!
Over the past few years, hundreds of thousands have made it to Germany. But hundreds of
thousands still don’t know if they can stay. Without the right to stay they still encounter
fear, insecurity and uncertainty instead of being able to start and to create a future. This also
includes that we as women don’t have to experience discrimination and violence any longer.
Or that the countless families who were torn apart can live together again. We call for a
clear stance of all those taking part in the political decision making process: an unconditional
right to remain and an end to deportations – now! Whether you are Romany from the Balkans, Afghans or threatened by Dublin- or other regulations: All those who are here, are from here,
and will stay!
- For the right to solidarity: Break the silence!
The law differentiates between different countries of origin and classifies us accordingly:
those with a good and those with a bad perspective of staying. Countries are constructed as
safe, unsafe or half-safe. The ones affected the most by this exclusion, members of minority
groups such as Roma or people who don’t fit the norms of society, are left to stay in a
waiting loop of non-approval. We demand the extension of a solidarity which doesn’t make
any divide based on ones origin.

- For the right to equal rights: Stop racism!
For hundreds of years now, and not only for the past two years, our society has always
consisted of a diverse multiplicity. Who actually still lives where their ancestors were born
and who actually still works at their place residence? People have always been coming.
People have always been leaving. There is no justification for unequal rights. Whether you
are from Syria, Sudan, Greece or Serbia, from Nigeria, Morocco, Afghanistan or Baden-Württemberg. Whether it’s about the right to housing, education, work, mobility or the right to health care. Social and political rights exist for all those who are here. Without exceptions and from the very start.

- For the right to stay: Let’s put an end to global injustice!
For hundreds of years, some countries have robbed other countries’ resources. Slave trade,
natural resources, appalling labor and corrupt governments. The wealth of the west is built
upon exclusion and exploitation. Europe continues to export a rampant predatory capitalism
which kills every day. People escape to Europe because they are left with nothing and want
to save their lives. We demand equal rights for all. Everyone has the right to physical
integrity, to happiness and a future – everywhere in this world and not only in the west.
Nobody wants to have to escape.

Before the G20-summit in Hamburg, where the mightiest heads of government responsible for exploitation, war and flight will talk about their further strategies, we want to show our face. All of us, united on the streets!
We are not to be overlooked! We are loud! We are angry, because again they speak about us instead with us. We want to create spaces for all those that are usually not heard or that are supposed to remain unheard. Like us. We say: Welcome United!

When we take to the streets, we want to be many. Everyone who cares about the common good and
solidarity should come out. Everyone who can no longer bear that people are forced to stay in
miserable conditions or left to suffer and die at Europe’s borders, should come out. Everyone should come, who cannot endure to see humans isolated in camps for years, who wants to stop the division which is being made between those who were born here and those just arrived, between ‚good’ and ‚bad’ refugees. We fight for our future. Now is the time to act together. We are more than we think! We’ll come united!

We call for a demonstration of refugees, migrants and their networks for 24th June at 2pm, Hachmannplatz / Hamburg main-station.

We further invite you to participate with us in a national demonstration on the 16th of September in Berlin, one week ahead of the general elections – come and join a large parade struggling for societal participation, equal rights, and solidarity. Because: Our voices count!

Welcome united! We’ll come united!