Montag, 4. April 2016

Deportations from Lesvos today to Turkey and protest

In the deportation ferry today: Frontex and people being deported

acording to the ministery of protection of the citizen(sunds like a bad joke) the nationalities of the people deported today are:
Lesvos: 135 men 1 woman
124 Pakistan 3 Bangladesh 1 Iraq 2 India 4 SriLanka 2 Syria
Chios: 56 men 10 women 
42 Afghanistan 10 Iran 6 Pakistan 1 India 1 Somalia 1 Cote d´Ivoire 5 Kongo.
nasim lomani
136 people deported from Lesvos this morning and 66 from Chios. It is not confirmed that they had the possibility to make an asylum request before being deported. Many activists volunteers and local people together with media from all over the world watch this sham full activities of EU-Turkey and protest against it.

nasim lomani
dimitris pothas

also read:

Sea watch protesting against deportations to Turkey in Mitilini port
Seite gefällt dir · 2 Minuten 

here a report from the sea watch crew:

Fähren für eine #safepassage, nicht für Abschiebungen!

Unsere Crew hat heute gemeinsam mit anderen zivilen Rettungseinheiten im Hafen von Mytilini gegen die Abschiebungen in die Türkei protestiert, die seit heute von dort stattfinden. "Es war eine bizarre Situation, während die einen abgeschoben werden kommen die anderen auf Schlauchbooten an" erzählt Crewmitglied Giorgia Linardi. Noch während des Protests im Hafen wurde die Crew zu einem Rettungseinsatz auf See hinzugerufen.


Ferries for a #savepassage, not for deportation!

Our crew took part in a protest among other SAR groups in Mytilini harbour today, to protest against the deportations to turkey, which are taking place from there since today. "It was a bizarre situation, while some people where deported, others where arriving on rubberboats," crewmember Giorgia Linardi tells. Still during the protest in the harbour, our crew was called to a rescue case on sea.