kein mensch ist illegal hamburg

"Ihr sollt wissen, daß kein Mensch illegal ist.
Das ist ein Widerspruch in sich. Menschen können schön sein oder noch schöner. Sie können gerecht sein oder ungerecht. Aber illegal? Wie kann ein Mensch illegal sein?"

Elie Wiesel

Dienstag, 5. November 2013

Summary of a speech by the The CARAVAN-Hamburg held on 2nd of November 2013

"We are here to stay!"
We are angry about the negative attitude of the Senate, we are angry about the fact that half a year has passed and nothing about the life-threatening situation of the Libyan war refugees "Lampedusa in Hamburg" has changed.
However, we are very happy about the broad solidarity among the population with the group of refugees in order to find a solution that is just.
Today so many people have come from all parts of society, standing beside the group "Lampedusa in Hamburg" to send a strong signal towards the politicians, that we are no longer willing to accept the inhumanity.
We have had enough of the hypocrisy. Now we want to see a change in Hamburg and the recognition of the group.
Every week we see the news of the death of many in the Mediterranean Sea, and we hear the talking about a necessary change in European refugee policy – without any consequences following. But those affected continue to remain deprived of their rights and are being pursued by the government – just as we experience it in Hamburg.

What is the background of the group "Lampedusa in Hamburg"? They had rebuilt their existence as migrant workers in Libya. When NATO decided in favor of the intervention, they were targeted by all sides. The European governments promised the reception of refugees that have been caused by the NATO intervention and the war in Libya. Therefore, the EU program "emergency North Africa" was installed. Therefore, the Libyan war refugees received the recognition of their refugee status by Italy. Today, two and a half years later, no one wants to know about it. The program was just ended and Italy found itself all alone and sent the war refugees towards the other EU states, where they have since lived on the streets destitute and without any rights.

As the group “Lampedusa in Hamburg" has merged six months ago and raised their voice in public, many people in the city have understood, that it is time to make a change – specifically to the situation of the group and also for the entire European refugee policy. The Dublin 2 system failed long ago, and it continues to generate human disasters every day. A wake up process in the city has started and more and more people want practical steps for change in European politics. In Hamburg, this begins with the lived solidarity with the people of the group "Lampedusa in Hamburg" and the demand for their recognition under application of § 23 as a group with the same background.

 There often is the talk of a war against refugees and this is due to the military buildup and deadly measures to prevent people from fleeing persecution, war and misery. In Hamburg, many people have decided on which side they stand and can no longer be silent and let themselves be downgraded a the mass accepting this. We recognize the responsibility of our governments causing the flight of refugees, through our military, political and economic dominance in the other continents, especially in Africa. We recognize the glaring contradiction between the talking of human rights and democracy on one side and reality on the other.

We will no longer wait for a change, we want to achieve the change through our own actions here in Hamburg. "Lampedusa in Hamburg" can now make history. From everywhere people are looking at Hamburg. We will no longer accept this injustice. It is time for a political solution here in the city as a sign to all of Europe. Enough is enough. "Lampedusa in Hamburg - They are here to stay"

Summary of a speech by the The CARAVAN-Hamburg held on 2nd of November 2013